e-puck2 radio module development

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Espressif provides the Espressif IoT Development Framework(link) (ESP-IDF for short), that is a framework for developing applications based on the Espressif ESP32. The firmwares developed for the e-puck2 radio module are based on this framework. The software development framework provided by Espressif is intended for rapidly developing Internet of Things (IoT) applications, with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, flexible power management and other advanced system features. Users can develop applications in Windows/Linux/MacOS based on ESP-IDF. The C programming language is used to develop code for the radio module of the e-puck2 robot and the ESP-IDF integrates FreeRTOS.

Get the source code

The radio module firmware source code can be downloaded with the command:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/e-puck2/esp-idf.git


The radio module wifi firmware source code can be downloaded with the command:
git clone -b wifi --recursive https://github.com/e-puck2/esp-idf.git